For questions about Jigsaw Creative, request a quote, or set up a meeting, please contact

Loren Sampson


Jigsaw isn't just a clever idea or metaphor, it's also our approach to creative solutions. Just as every jigsaw puzzle has pieces that must properly fit together, we approach each project with the idea that it too has many components that also need to fit together. The beauty of the process, like an actual jigsaw, begins with the Big Picture, and takes any number of flexible paths to create it. By dividing the project into pieces, we are able to observe, explore and understand different ways of putting these pieces back together. Throughout the process, our challenge is to solve the puzzle in an innovative way by collaborating to develop product concepts that strike a balance between the creative and the functional. Our puzzle pieces form a complete picture of product identity.

You have the big picture. We build it piece by piece.